
Vitoria 1813

Vitoria Map 2

The Battle of Vitoria on 21 June 1813 is my first battle project for The Dining Table Napoleon. For those interested in this important battle here are some resources. The orders of battle are the only real attempt I have seen to provide brigade strengths and artillery composition as they were on the day – though this inevitably involves some guesswork, triangulating various sources before and after the event. For the French I have also shown my estimates of the regimental strengths.

Historical account: Vitoria 1813 – historical narrative

Scenario description DTN Scenario – Vitoria 1813

Labels: DTN Vitoria labels

Allied order of battle: Vitoria 1813 Allied OB

French order of battle: Vitoria 1813 French OB

Detailed French unit strengths Vitoria Detail French strengths

Brochure by Vitoria tourist office Battle brochure

Waterloo 1815

Here are materials for my BBB game on 18 June 2015

Set up notes: Waterloo BBB Scenario notes

House rules: BBB House Rules

Quick reference sheet: BBB Napoleonic QR